What Does Estradiol Do?

What does estradiol do? Estradiol is a critical chemical in both male and female bodies

What does estradiol do? First, let’s talk about the role of hormones in the body. Your body runs on hormones — or maybe it would be more precise to say, hormones make your body run the way it’s supposed to. Hormones are chemicals in your body that your body uses to communicate with itself. Your…

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7 Progesterone Deficiency Symptoms (and What You Really Need to Know About Progesterone Deficiency)

Coming up with a comprehensive list of progesterone deficiency symptoms is tougher than you might think. The reason? Progesterone is so closely associated with the action of other hormones that separating specific symptoms (and which deficiency is causing which) is quite difficult. Progesterone, along with estrogen, is considered one of two so-called, “female hormones.” Of…

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What Causes Low Testosterone? Common Causes in Women and Men

What causes low testosterone? Unfortunately, there’s no simple answer to this question. And things get even more complicated when you throw sex into the equation. You see, men and women are vastly different when it comes to testosterone production. Firstly, the amount produced varies widely between the sexes — women have about one tenth the testosterone…

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Common Low Testosterone Effects You Might Be Suffering From

Low testosterone effects (weekly pill container with pills in front, digital blood pressure machine and cuff, pills sealed in aluminum packaging)

One of the greatest difficulties with diagnosing low testosterone is that low testosterone effects can vary so widely—like any medical condition, effects and symptoms strike individuals differently. If you think you’re suffering from low testosterone, you probably have specific symptoms. Sharing those symptoms with your medical care provider is the first step towards a possible…

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