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2019 DFW Business Scene: Focus on Holistic Employee Health

As 2019 reaches full speed, employee health is continuing to climb the list of priorities for American employers. As business expands in the rapidly growing Dallas-Fort Worth area, those of us in the healthcare industry, whose job it is to care about people’s wellbeing, are taking a special interest.

It’s encouraging to see that the physical health of the workforce isn’t the only concern for employers anymore. Trends show that employers are recognizing that taking care of employees’ holistic health is an effective means to care for the businesses itself, meaning everyone benefits.

According to the Society for Human Resources Management, a holistically healthy employee is likely to:

It all begins with a focus on overall employee wellness.

Employee Wellness: Modern Perspectives

Rather than strictly focusing on physical health, exercise, and gym memberships, businesses are adopting more holistic, integrated programs that target an employee’s total well-being, encompassing:

According to a recent article in Human Resources Today, benefit packages more frequently include Employee Assistance Programs, employer-sponsored workshops, challenges, as well as reimbursement for health-focused and wellness-focused activities.

Dallas Company at the Forefront of Employee Wellness

In a previous post, we highlighted a Dallas-based investment company, Satori Capital, who has invested heavily in overall employee wellness.

Sunny Vanderbeck, a co-founder and managing partner at Satori Capital, has this to say about his organization’s holistic approach:

“We’re in the investment business, so the more effective and efficient we are, the better decisions we make, the better our business works, so there is a bottom line to all of this. And how wonderful is it to be in the position to help people become the best versions of themselves?”

Employee Wellness: Companies Must Increase Participation

Here’s the familiar problem:

Gym memberships that don’t get used don’t help anyone get healthier. Running won’t make you healthier if you don’t actually put in some miles, and meditation won’t benefit your mind unless you actually take the time to practice it.

In the same way, a wellness program succeeds only if employees actually engage in the available activities.

Therefore, it’s logical that program uptake is a major determiner of success, which was the focus of a recent Rand Corporation study cited by the Dallas Business Journal.

That study found that employees will engage in programs that provide content they identify as valuable, with or without incentives or penalties.

In other words, rich, comprehensive wellness programs gain participation and make an impact on employee performance and the business as a whole. Employees require less encouragement or pressure when the program offered to them has clear value.

Through participation, employees become healthier, more content, and more productive. They stay with a company longer.

That equates to increased well being for both employers and employees, for companies and workforces alike.

TCT’s Flower Mound Clinic Offers Free Consult

At Testosterone Centers of Texas (TCT), we’re incredibly happy to see Dallas-Fort Worth employers working together with employees to increase their overall health.

However, there’s one area of our health that often goes overlooked, even though it encompasses your entire sense of well being — hormones.

Hormone imbalances like low testosterone and low estrogen often cause unpleasant symptoms that negatively impact our physical and emotional health, keeping you from feeling like yourself.

TCT’s Flower Mound Clinic — We Can Help

We’d like you to know that getting back to your best is a real possibility. Hormone imbalance is a treatable condition. The professional medical staff at TCT are here to help.

TCT’s Flower Mound clinic is offering a free consult to help anyone who may be suffering from low testosterone or other hormone imbalance determine the cause of their problems and get the facts about treatment options.

Take the first step towards getting your A-game back by making an appointment or dropping in at the TCT Flower Mound clinic, where walk-ins are always welcome.

Click the button below to learn more about the clinic.

TCT Flower Mound: Get Directions Here

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